Thursday, December 11, 2008

You Need Support on the Journey!

Before I go any further, I must admit grammar and spelling are not two of my strong suits. This blog, although my ideas and thoughts, would not be possible without the support of my wife, Lisa! Without her unending support of me, and most importantly for you, her wonderful ability to repair my grammar, this writing would probably be offensive!

Isn’t it true that we all need support in what ever it is we want to do? Could the quarterback win the game without the linemen? Could the President of a company get along without his/her administrative assistant? Can you accomplish what you want in life without help? I think not!

Why is it so hard to ask for help or to listen to another’s thoughts, ideas or opinions? Could it be that we see it as a sign of weakness or that we are not willing to take the necessary responsibility, which sometimes means asking for help?

Something to think about: are you living your life not recognizing the support around you and/or are you afraid or uncomfortable in asking for it? START ASKING! There are people everywhere willing to help.

You can accomplish anything if you are willing to ask for the support you need!

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Journey has begun!

For most of us we planned on living our lives thinking they will always be the way they have always been. Well, Surprise! The times they are a changin’!!! That brings me to this blog. If you would have asked me if I would be publicly sharing my thoughts, interests, ideas and beliefs five years ago I would have said, “no way”! Though, here I am doing what I never thought I would do and I would suggest to every one, that it is incumbent on all of us to start doing what we would never have thought about doing (within reason)!

As the title says, this is the beginning, and I don’t seeing it ending in a long, long time, (mostly because I have plans on living a long, long time). Where the journey will lead in today’s world, who knows, though I can tell you this: it’s going to be fun, inspiring, focused and life changing for any one that wants to come along!

Check in regularly and see where the journey will lead. The nice part about of all of this is that we can travel together and not even know we are until someone decides to share a response, thought, idea, or concern!

The future is here, information is doubling every 24 months or faster, the economy may have slowed down but technology never will and we are all a part of it!

The choice is we learn, change and grow or we get passed by. These words will always be full of hope, encouragement and ideas on how to ride the waves to the future you desire!

See you tomorrow!